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Whilst I reposed in lap; me fondling thee with love; in aegis strong, I felt oh like a burning wick in shrine. To step into this cruel world but now, I'm scared! How can thee protect me oh Ma, methinks?

Ere Vedas...teaches Ma, prudence. Her feet aho me made realize, oneness of universe in thought! Whence worship I, devout, my Ma; that soprano of pealing Om; Vedas condense as wisdom wrought!

She fills the worlds and appears so; a woman chaste! Like petals; blossom when thy form and ken, where stands bigotry? Sips yes, a searching sage, the sacred taste of spirt innate and peace in mother's kindest hands!

Couldn't master own language; no onerous office held, did no efforts. Imbibed if grammar scents; could have I reaped oh Telugu classics. That too beheld I not, sans being born to thee O' father naive!

Discourse became my only deity praised! Thee taught me all as Guru. Beam on me thy kindest peers O father pious. In my endeavor to seize the lot of vast literary realms, thy feet are hailing cheers.............